Featured Image: Partial of Research Presentation artwork by SLRoss
27 May 2020
As I changed direction since I started this “Let’s write a paper” journey, I have to do this ‘Why’ process again. It’s the thing that will keep me on track when my eyes see something interesting and my curiosity sends me careening off course to investigate! So let’s do it.
Why am I writing this paper?
- This gives me an opportunity to share the information I’ve learned with many other people I might not reach otherwise.
- Also, I spent 3 months doing this research. Not writing a paper to sum up everything I’ve learned would be a lost opportunity to get published.
Why do you want to get published?
I want the option of being able to teach and do research in academia, and academia respects people with publications. The more you’ve got, the more they’re interested. I really enjoy learning and helping others learn and honestly I am such a student. Set a goal for me, give me criteria and watch me work like a dog to exceed those parameters. I’m a chronic over-achiever – must be all the years of Caribbean middle-class parents saying “education is the key to…” success, wealth, riches, independence, all that ails ya. According to them – You name it, if you’re educated it will be better!
Another reason I want to get published is that I’m starting to offer my workshops to the public and I feel that to offer these workshops I need to prove my knowledge, prove why anyone should want to learn from me. If I can show I’ve been published on the topics that I’m teaching, that will go a long way towards building my client’s confidence in me, and eliminating/reducing any feeling of imposter syndrome I hold about myself.
Do I have any hesitations in writing this paper?
Where will I publish this paper?
Get a hot cuppa or an icy libation and sit back because I wrote a whole 6 pages about this. Click here to read Journal Shopping. I tell you! My journal research journey was epic. I’m still recovering.
What is this paper about?
How to begin curating an art exhibition that could illicit social change action from its’ audience. It is a starter and does not cover the full curation experience as I haven’t done that bit of research yet. However, it will give readers key areas to look into, a way to approach and plan their curation experience, a curation process to follow, and a manifesto to live and work by that will make the journey easier, more fulfilling and more likely to lead to success.
Who will this paper serve/help/assist?
Artists, students, new curators, any creative who wants to use art to improve the world for themselves and others. It would probably have real value for anyone with limited access to creative networks and traditional art curation channels… The audience is probably wider but that’s all I can think of for now.
So what’s you WHY for this paper?
For me – credibility and opportunities
For others – a pathway to creating change that benefits us all
Yes gyul!
Let’s write.