Featured Image: section of Royston High Street, East by Leigh
22 Nov 2019
So formative Presentation is on Wednesday and I am not ready at all. I am not even exaggerating.
I realise that while I’ve done loads of research into curation and social change with the interviews, readings and videos, there is a lot less content about research and research methods. In fact, I’m so thin on the ground with that I may fall through the ice come Wednesday!
So commence frantic googling because the only book I have at home about research is Gray & Malins and I suspect I need a more diverse pool of sources. Speaking of diverse pools, I realise that a large chunk of my bibliography is from online sources and a few books. I was having a bit of a hissy fit about this but I think I’m just going to accept this as a limitation of my research.
It is simply not possible for me to get a lot of traditional reading done at this point. For learning (or entertainment), I listen to audiobooks, podcasts, TED talks and YouTube channels. I tend to only read content after very targeted searches. Borrowing from UAL libraries hasn’t worked out too well for me either. I live outside of London and come in mainly for classes because train tickets are pricey! The last library book I borrowed, someone put in a request for it within a week of me getting it and then it was a mad scramble to get it back to the library in time because I was not scheduled to be in London that week. Looking at the wider ‘context’ of my life I have made peace with doing the best I can with what I have to hand. For me, this course is happening on top of a husband, a 6-year old and an 8-year old, a part time job, a one-woman art business with ongoing fine art commissions and projects.
To address this internet-heavy bibliography, I have been seeking out as many varied sources as I can online – videos, journals articles, websites, book excerpts, blogs, corporate website, educational websites, articles from non-Western researchers. It’s all online but at least there is a variety in the type and source of the information I’m using. Hopefully this will keep things somewhat balanced in my project.
Fingers crossed!
Gray, C. and Malins, J. (2017). Visualizing Research : A Guide to the Research Process in Art and Design. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.