Category: Academic Blog

Protected: The Exhibition Concept

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Sketchbook art showing masquerader in mutlicoloured striped cape dancing away from us. He headpiece blends in with the rays of the sun

The New Exhibition!

The half-arsed meditations I did while in self-loathing free fall must have been doing something because I remember coming out of one with the phrase…

Cropped version of sketchbook collage, ink & sharpies piece showing lots of soft coloured flower petals around the image of a woman's face which is buried among flower petals in a bath

Soca is Healing

My chest hurt, my breathing was laboured, my mind was spinning and blank all at the same time. I couldn’t seem to hold a thought other than – You’re such a failure.

Bright yellow image of a quote from American painter and graphic artist, Robert Rauschenberg that says "Art can change the world"

Why am I writing a paper on Social Change Curation?

As I changed direction since I started this “Let’s write a paper” journey, I have to do this ‘Why’ process again. It’s the thing that will keep me on track when my eyes see something interesting and my curiosity sends me careening off course to investigate! So let’s do it.

A philosophy angle?

I’ve sort of signed up to be part of a philosophy discussion group even though I am in no way a philosopher. It started when I attended an interesting presentation and discussion at UCL earlier this year.

Download The Social Change Curators’ Manifesto!

The content was complete in 2019 but this colourful beauty was only finished this month!

Moving forward…

So I’ve settled on my structure. Lovely. Now what about the rest of the question?

Finding ‘Structure’

In my last interlude with Structure, I learned that I needed to lay out the structures I have discovered from my research and decide how I will select one that best fits me. So let’s start by defining the structural options I’ve unearthed with my research.

water and waves drawn in a Japanese style with a fish off to the right and lots of textured elements to the bttom of the painting representing waves washing up on a pebbly beige textured shore that sparkles with hints of gold leaf

Defining ‘Structure’

I sat down just now to do the final step of my findings – combine the merged interview map and the merged review map into one final map – but then I looked up at my post-it which was supposed to keep me on track and I scrutinized my question again.

The Social Change Curators' Manifesto

As Cheryl Jefferson did with Human Rights in Breaking Criminal Traditions, and People United do with Art & Kindness in every project, and Clare Patey with all her empathy building installations.