Category: Carnival of Compassion

Development of this compassion-focussed, Carnival-inspired art invention from private practice to PhD and beyond

Sketchbook art showing masquerader in mutlicoloured striped cape dancing away from us. He headpiece blends in with the rays of the sun

The New Exhibition!

The half-arsed meditations I did while in self-loathing free fall must have been doing something because I remember coming out of one with the phrase…

Cropped version of sketchbook collage, ink & sharpies piece showing lots of soft coloured flower petals around the image of a woman's face which is buried among flower petals in a bath

Soca is Healing

My chest hurt, my breathing was laboured, my mind was spinning and blank all at the same time. I couldn’t seem to hold a thought other than – You’re such a failure.


A roaming exhibition that will address mass injustice and cultivate active compassion