The absolute worst thing about living ‘abroad’ is being away from friends and family when life threatening emergencies happen. When I got the call “mum is in hospital”, my brain went into a serious meltdown. Phrases like “internal bleeding”, “exploratory surgery”, and “we just don’t know” penetrated the fog and battered my attempts to stay positive.
This painting is that in-between place where you’re fighting to stay optimistic, wanting to be realistic, but struggling against crippling fear. I spent a week in this limbo and when finally, mum was out of the woods and well on her way to steady healing I knew I needed some sort of outlet.
Cue one 120cm x 80cm canvas and an attack of black and blue paint. I poured every worry, every fear, every moment of panic out on that canvas and felt infinitely lighter for it.
Ah the healing power of Art!
Check out the other paintings in The FEEL Series – Happiness and Hope