Well it only took me 3 years since I first set up my mailing list to finally send something out, so I thought I better make it good!
Like 40%-70% off ALL existing BY LEIGH ORIGINAL ART!
I’m not kidding. Christmas is coming – you need gifts, I need to make some space in my studio. Everybody wins! I figured this would make the first ever By Leigh newsletter and the end of this year a more memorable experience.
Here’s how it works
This Sale is only happening via newsletter, so if you know someone else who will want 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% off By Leigh original art then by all means point them to the By Leigh Subscribe button below or share this link with them.
I’ve got over 40 paintings to put on sale and I can’t fit them all into one little newsletter so every week until Dec 2nd 2016 I’ll be sending out an e-newsletter with a slew of paintings with their prices slashed in half or more. Week 1 featured the London paintings, week 2 we’re doing the Caribbean. It’s all on SALE until 3rd January 2017 at high noon GMT. Don’t miss out!
And there’s more?
At last count there are more than 100 paintings on the By Leigh website, many of which are already sold and since my first beloved print-on-demand service went under, prints have been in short sporadic supply. Well not anymore! Look out for news of new prints becoming available in each newsletter too.
So many reasons to sign up to the What’s New By Leigh newsletter. And if you’re really desparate to catch the deals you missed in the last 2 weeks, email me and I’ll send you both the London and Caribbean themed sales. When next week’s newsletter comes around you’ll be in pole position to snag a By Leigh original!
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